[펌] NS-2 유용한 site 모음
이 페이지는 khpoo's Homepage의 일부(http://www.matlab.nitech.ac.jp/~khpoo/research/ns2.html)에서 가져온 것입니다.
Network Simulator (NS-2) Resource Page
Tutorial & Documentation for NS2
- How to install Cygwin & NS-2 2.27 (Video Tutorial)
- Installation of NS-2 on Ubuntu Linux
- Introducing NS2 by Lloyd Wood
- Marc Greis' Tutorial
- Network Simulator Cross Reference
- NS-2 (in Japanese) by College of Engineering, Nihon University
- NS-2 Manual
- NS-2 Manual in Japanese
- NS-2 and Tcl
- NS by Example
- NS Simulator Course for Beginners
- Network Simulator (ns) Tutorial 2002
- Sandeep Gupta - A brief guide to NS-2 (pdf)
- The Network Simulator ns-2: Documentation
- NS-2 Blog (for tutorials, guides, and comments)
Forum & FAQ
- Bryan’s NS-2 DSR FAQ
- Dazhi's answers on simulating wireless networks via NS2 (updated every week)
- Jlsnet.co.uk - NS-2 Guide
- NS-2 FAQ for Dummies
- NS-2 User Mailing List
- Pedro Vale Estrela – FAQ / Assorted NS2 Tips
- To search the ns-users mailing list
Technical Resources & Books
- MIT Opencourseware
- Standard Template Library Programmer's Guide
- UNIX/Linux Bourne/Bash Shell Scripting Tutorial
Topology Generator
- BRITE Topology Generator
- Georgia Tech Internetwork Topology Models
- Inet Topology Generator
- The Network Simulator ns-2: Topology Generation
- Tiers Topology Generator
Traffic Generator
- A modular framework for generating synthetic traffic for network simulations
- HTTP/1.0 traffic generator for ns-2
- Kostas - Poisson Traffic Generator for NS-2
- Poisson traffic generator
Queue Simulation for NS-2
QoS for NS-2
- Diffserv additions to ns-2
- QoS Routing for ns-2
- QoS Simulation and Monitoring in a DiffServ network
- QoS of Voice over 802.11 using NS2
- RSVP/ns: An Implementation of RSVP for the Network Simulator ns-2
- Sergio Andreozzi - NS2 DiffServ Patched Module
- An Implementation of RSVP for the Network Simulator 2
- PBM - Position-Based Multicast for Mobile Ad hoc Networks
- Source Specific Multicast Extension to NS-2
Wireless Simulation
- 802.11 and Bounded Slowdown (BSD) PSM Model for ns-2
- 802.11 MAC code in NS-2 (version 2.28)
- 802.11 module for NS-2
- 802.11b WLAN Channel Simulation in NS2
- Achieving Higher Throughput and QoS in 802.11 Wireless LANs
- Ad-Hoc TCP
- Ad hoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) Routing
- ASAP (Adaptive Reservation and Preallocation) QoS Framewok
- An evaluation framework to study the "Impact of Mobility Patterns On RouTing in Ad-hoc NeTworks"
- Basic 802.11 Statistics
- Coordinated Power Management under Sensing and Communication Constraints in Sensor Networks
- Cross-layer Interaction of TCP and Dynamic Routing in Multi-hop 802.11 Networks
- Enhanced Network Simulator modeling of IEEE 802.11 MAC layer protocol
- Extension of Rate-Adaptive MAC Protocol For NS2 Simulator
- How to Get Neighbors of a Mobile Node in Wireless Simulation
- Hyacinth: An IEEE 802.11-based Multi-channel Wireless Mesh Network
- IEEE 802.11e HCCA simulation using the Network Simulator 2
- Implementing a New Manet Unicast Routing Protocol in NS2 (Source Code)
- Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPANs)
- Making NS-2 simulate an 802.11b link
- NO Ad-Hoc Routing Agent (NOAH)
- NS-2 Code for Random Trip Mobility Model
- QoS of Voice over 802.11 using NS2
- Transmit Power Control in Ad hoc Networks
- Wireless and Mobility Extensions to ns-2
- Zone Routing Protocol(ZRP) for Ad Hoc Networks
Peer-to-Peer Simulation
- Packet-level Peer-to-Peer Simulation Framework and GnutellaSim
- Peer-to-Peer Simplified (P2PS) Protocol
TCP/UDP Enhancements for NS-2
- BIC TCP - a TCP Variant for High-Speed Long Distance Networks
- BI-TCP Implementation for NS 2
- Low-Rate TCP-Targeted Denial of Service Attacks
- NS2 Simulation for Reliable Blast UDP (RBUDP)
- Simulations for Stateful TCP Congestion Control
- Simulation Study of Proposed HighSpeed TCP for Large Congestion Windows
- TCP-J - Enhanced TCP Westwood (Higher Throughput In Wireless Networks)
- TCP WESTWOOD - Modules for NS-2
Ant Routing
- Ant-like Mobile Agents - NS2 Patch
- Cooperative Reinforcement Learning for Routing in Ad-hoc Networks
Video Traces
- Flower (cif)
- Football (cif)
- MPEG-4 and H.263 Video Traces for Network Performance Evalution
- Video Traces for Network Performance Evaluation
Add-ons & Extensions
- Extend NS's Capability with MFC
- Fast ns-2 simulator
- NANS - Network Analyzer for Network Simulator ns2
- Trace graph
Source Code
- Cooperative Reinforcement Learning for Routing in Ad-hoc Networks
- End Buffer Management and Congestion for Video
- How to evaluate MPEG video transmission using the NS2 simulator
- Performance Analysis of Mobile Agents in Wireless Internet
- The Network Simulator: Contributed Code
- The source codes for Implementing a New Manet Unicast Routing Protocol in NS2 (Protoname)
- AutoPart - automatically partition a large network simulation into smaller simulation instances
- Cygwin User's Guide
- DCCP Module for NS-2
- Eifel for NS2
- How to Use Matlab in NS
- Implementing Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) in ns-2
- NS-2 Emulation Extensions
- NS-2 for grid
- Pedro Vale Estrela - NS2 Debugging Page
- Tools for NS-2
- YUVviewer
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