나눈 값을 표현하는 방법 즉 double 크기의 표현 방법 (float 4비트 double 8비트)

다음은 MSDN 발췌한건데 모두 double 을 표현 하는 방법입니다.

Signed value having the form [ – ]d.dddd e [sign]ddd where d is a single decimal digit, dddd is one or more decimal digits, ddd is exactly three decimal digits, and sign is + or –.

double Identical to the e format except that E rather than e introduces the exponent.

double Signed value having the form [ – ]dddd.dddd, where dddd is one or more decimal digits. The number of digits before the decimal point depends on the magnitude of the number, and the number of digits after the decimal point depends on the requested precision.

double Signed value printed in f or e format, whichever is more compact for the given value and precision. The e format is used only when the exponent of the value is less than –4 or greater than or equal to the precision argument. Trailing zeros are truncated, and the decimal point appears only if one or more digits follow it.

double Identical to the g format, except that E, rather than e, introduces the exponent (where appropriate).

출처 : MSDN
